When building effective search engine optimization, or SEO, you need to keep up to date with all aspects. With a handy checklist of the essential things to set up and remember to keep updated, you can refer to it regularly and maximize your online ratings. This article is not about content writing, such as how to rank highly for Melbourne retail websites, which is covered in other articles, but the more comprehensive SEO picture and the general yet essential things you must do.
– You must install Google Analytics for tracking.
– Install Bing webmaster tools.
– If you use WordPress, Google Analytics by Yoast and Yoast SEO plugins are excellent.
– Check Google’s Search Console for error messages or duplicate content, and fix anything which needs fixing.
– Use Google Keyword Planner to discern the best use of keywords within your content.
– Your page URL should have your primary keyword or something similar.
– Title tags should be a maximum of 65 characters for a clear display in results.
– Meta description tasks should be a maximum of 155 characters.
– Use an H1 tag that includes your keyword and other H tags, and good ALT tags on images.
– Use internal links within your website’s anchor text.
– Develop off-page optimization and build links to your website.
Some of this is very straightforward and shouldn’t take too much time or thought, whilst other parts are far more demanding. The off-page optimization, for example, is probably the hardest thing to get right. Suppose you are trying to succeed with a retail website in Melbourne, for example. In that case, you will undoubtedly want to build links around Melbourne with other retailers (complimentary ones rather than competitors in most cases) and other Melbourne services related to your business. This will help develop local SEO and push your website higher within your sector. Using all of the above SEO Canberra strategies effectively is an ongoing challenge, but when done correctly, it can bring gratifying results well into the future.