Our Blogs

Now that we are deep into 2016, and as professionals in the world of SEO, we know what is going to unfold this year when it comes to a business’ favorite online marketing technique. We understand what will happen and have lined up five trends that might change and alter SEO in 2016.

Mobile-Friendly sites are vital.
This should not come as a surprise. Mobile internet usage boomed in 2015 and will continue in the new year. Therefore websites must have their own “mobile” friendly sites to ensure customers and users have easy navigation and conversions. Not having one will cost you and your business more than you think.

Local Search is going to dominate.
Linking back to mobile searches and the boom of mobile searches, expect local searches to hit new heights this year. People were already searching the internet around their areas for all their search preferences, and this trend will continue in 2016. There is a fix now for individuals staying local, and it is vital that websites can provide that service or reach out to these areas.

Google’s Penguin Update.
Google’s most well-known algorithm update is back after a four-year hiatus. Initially launched to combat bad link building and “black hat” tactics to boost site rankings, the search engine giant is bringing it back for another clearout. Except for this time, it will be “real-time updates.” This means that sites won’t have to wait for months for Google to recognize these negative tactics. You’ll get caught out now faster than ever.

Voice Updates.
Voice searches are perhaps the most significant influence in SEO Agency Melbourne this year. Everyone from business owners to marketers must be prepared for the high use of audio commands, courtesy of Siri and Google Now. People are beginning to rely heavily on these features due to their simplicity and quick-fire effectiveness. Therefore, businesses must be prepared that users will use more conversational tones than formal ones. You will have to think about how people are going to speak now and how they will ask for information.

Questions, Questions.
Notice that when you begin typing a question in Google’s search bar, it has already come up. That is because people nowadays are asking more questions in searches than mere keywords. Therefore, curving your search engine marketing to focus more on questions than simply keywords will take up a lot of time but also be extremely important.


One underused and often neglected method to draw online traffic to your website is the optimization of Google Places Listings. Many local business owners of all industries (from labor to white office jobs) often ignore creating and developing a Google Place Listing because they figure it is time-consuming, inefficient, and less effective than other online strategies.

In fact, by neglecting the promotion of your business on this precious Google asset, you are potentially losing profits, damaging your reputation, and falling behind the competition. Optimizing your Google Places Listings is essential to maximize your business and its online potential.

What is Google Place Listings, you might ask? It’s a unique Google service that provides businesses with the platform to share vital information about themselves, including their services, products, and, most importantly, the location of its store or stores. Essentially, this Google asset aims to expand the audience and customer base of businesses, boutiques, and retail stores that sell their products in person and online.

These are, of course, the significant benefits of Google Place Listings. There are, of course, PLENTY of benefits:

  • It’s free. That’s right; you won’t spend a cent on it.
  • You don’t have to be tech-savvy to use the service. It’s easy, and you’ll know what to do once you’ve started.
  • Thanks to mobile phones and the Google app, you can manage, edit and promote your Google Places Listings anytime and anywhere.
  • You’ll connect with millions of Google users. It’s the number one search engine in the world (and the driver of all online marketing campaigns and algorithms), so you’ll be missing out on plenty of customers.
  • Streamlined analytics means your business will be found easily during searches.
  • Your online and offline reputation will increase if your service and information are well presented.
  • Your customers will be satisfied with your business, and that is vital to establishing reliable connections.
  • Potential to extend your brand online to new buyers.
  • Seamlessly integrates with your overall online marketing campaign.
  • Connects with customers through simple mobile phone use.
  • Your visibility increases thanks to the connection to Google Maps.

It’s part of social media’s “big three”, but LinkedIn has always been a little bit behind the eight ball for businesses compared to Facebook and Twitter. But over the last few years, it’s made strides to get ahead and help businesses grow their brand identity, their experiences, and their ideals. Within the world of LinkedIn, there are a few nifty ways in which you can promote your business on the world’s third-biggest social media platform.

Post recommendations/Give endorsements to people you know

The first part of networking is to make the first move. Posting a recommendation for one of your clients shows a willingness to establish a connection. Same too when it comes to endorsing businesses and clients’ skills. It highlights the value of your client’s/business’s talents and abilities. Be the first to make the move.

Showcase your company page.

Creating a company page is the best way to kick off a connection with everyone on LinkedIn. And remember, everyone on LinkedIn is either a potential client, business partner or customer. You have to think of ways to connect with them. A company page is much like Facebook’s profile page or Twitter handle. The idea is to create a central hub that provides a complete overview of your business and highlights what you are all about. From here, you can build a following and establish a credible reputation.

Promote your expertise and business.

There is no point in having a company page without having anything on it. That means loading it up with anything and everything you can is ideal. Upload videos, photos, projects, and works of what your business has done in the past to highlight your best work. Secondly, continually posting blog posts from your website or posts about your industry is great for establishing connections and showing future customers, partners, and so forth that you’re engaged in your company and with them.

Join industry groups

How do you connect with people in real life? You go to parties, functions, and public places and join groups. The same applies to LinkedIn: joining groups involved in your industry is a fantastic way of establishing customers and partners for the future. More importantly, it’s about networking.

Use SEO to boost your company page on search engines

Like boosting your website through SEO Melbourne, you should increase your LinkedIn company page. Using keywords that match your website will bring potential clients, customers, and partners to your LinkedIn page and will connect with you.

Make quality Connections

The bread and butter of LinkedIn: making connections to potential clients, customers, and business partners. But make sure you are connecting with quality connections that are going to help grow and network your business. Look for these two things when making a connection: a professional and respectable history and one with more than 150 connections. More connections mean more potential networking for you.

….but don’t just make a connection

What’s the point of making a connection if you aren’t going to connect with them? When a connection is established, don’t wait for them to message you; go ahead and get in touch with them first. And when making connections with direct messaging, make it personal; that way, it shows you are a) a human and b) treating your partners and customers as a person instead of numbers.


If you have been thrown to the wolves and are suddenly in charge of your business blog, you might be a little lost when it comes to the importance of your SEO writing.

Many new business bloggers don’t understand the essential components of SEO blog writing and its aim of creating quality content to generate organic traffic to your website. As SEO Melbourne specialists, we want to give our loyal followers a chance to nail down the basics of SEO blog writing.

Nail your keywords beforehand.

Keywords: they are the point of an SEO blog post. You should include them within your blog post around 2-4 times for each keyword. Anymore and readers can notice that you’re trying to hook them in. Also, don’t forget to include your keywords within your title, meta-data, headings and subheadings, images and in the URL.

Write for your audience.

Remember who your audience is, why they are on your website, and how knowledgeable they are about your products, services, and topics. Sometimes, being too technical isn’t helpful; keeping it simple helps.

What’s the point of your blog post?

On top of understanding your audience, what is the point of your blog post? What are you trying to tell your audience and why? Before you even put pen to paper (or, in this case, fingers to keyboard), break down your message and how you deliver it, and make it clear right from the start of your blog post.

Keep it simple with paragraphs, headings, etc.

Using paragraphs, headings (or subheadings), bold, and italics is essential to blog posting. The idea is that it keeps the post flowing while you can break down the points and messages you are trying to communicate with your readers (just like we are doing this particular post – if you have not noticed!).

Keep the length on the point

The minimum word count for any blog should be around 300 words, any shorter and Google won’t rank your blog high. Google likes long articles; the trick is it can’t be too long as it might turn off your visitors. Keep the limit between 600 to 700 words. Make it short, sharp, and to the point to maximize the word limit.

Be unique with old information.

In the world of SEO blog posts, everything has probably been done plenty of times before, and you can find many blog posts repeating the same thing over and over. The trick is to be unique with your post; add a new perspective, provide new information, or write it in a new engaging way that is going to make your readers and audience come back for more.

Take advantage of social media.

Social media isn’t just there to talk to your friends. Put your blog post out there through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus. This will bring in a larger audience and spread your workaround. Like this blog post, check our Facebook, Linkedin pages, and Twitter handles to see.

Write quality content

Sounds basic? It isn’t. The trick here is to talk and personalize your posts like real humans. Some blog posts come off way too robotic, and that turns off readers (cause why listen to a machine instead of a man?). On top of that, the proper use of grammar is essential to get your message across. Keep working at it, and it will come naturally to you.

There is plenty of information on the Internet that provides the “perfect” tips for mastering SEO for a business. Many business owners are diving in head first without understanding what they are doing. And they are making mistakes.

Yet, we understand that many business owners are making common errors because they don’t know these common mistakes. This is why we have listed several common SEO mistakes business owners should avoid and keep an eye on.

Using the Wrong Keywords

The big one. Are you using the right keywords for your campaign? The problem is that people usually choose the wrong words, thanks to a lack of proper research. Many business owners assume the keywords they think will work in relation to the website don’t end up working. Proper research is needed to determine which keywords work. Choosing the correct keywords will make or break your SEO campaign.

Measure Your SEO

Sure, you might be getting a lot of traffic to your website, but are they doing anything on your site? Is any conversion being made? It is easy to get swept away with high traffic ratings, and many owners do not measure the effectiveness of their SEO campaign. With so many online tools (Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, Piwik, and so forth), it would be folly not to measure your SEO to determine if your online objectives are being reached.

Broken or non-credible links

So imagine your customer clicks on your link and doesn’t find what they are looking for. That happens when a broken link is applied to a hyperlink or through an online search. That’s what happens to many business owners who don’t know enough about link building: SEO services Sydney promise plenty of links, but they don’t work. It isn’t good, too, because Google will penalize you by downgrading your website.

Crappy Content

Do business owners know what defines “quality content”? Plenty of websites publish blogs on a consistent basis, but they do not bring the right people. When it comes to online content, it is imperative to make high-quality posts. Some essential points include the following:

  • Proper grammar and spelling
  • Visually appealing Web 2.0 features
  • Engaging and interesting content
  • Length of content (too long can be draining; too short can be unappealing)

Having Copied Content

Remember back in school when you used to copy your classmate’s work? That’s a big no-no when it comes to online content. Regular SEO audits will sometimes find some similarities of copied content, but purely stolen content will lead to problems. Firstly, it’s illegal. Secondly, Google will bury your website so deep in the search engine that no one will find it. Or if it’s awful, they’ll de-index your website off the grid.

It’s essential to have original content, not just for these reasons but also to make your content stand out from the rest of the competition. Your copy will define what your business and website stand for.

No Unique Title Tags or Meta Descriptions

Every page has a unique title tag, and your pages need to stand out. Title tags are important because users will be much more likely to click on your result over others if you use the right keywords to draw them in.

Meta descriptions (the little blurbs under the search results) are just as important. In less than 150 words, you need to nail down the content that will convince users to visit your site.

When establishing their online presence, businesses will often choose to “divide and conquer” by separating their SEO efforts from their social media platforms without realizing that these two techniques can work hand in hand with one another. While they may be different in the way each is put in place, they have more in common than meets the eye, and when combined with strength, they can become the most resilient pillar of your online campaign.

Quality of Social Media Audience

It’s all about the number of followers anyways, right? Although this may be common, believe, we must debunk this myth. Yes, the number of followers you have impacts your credibility, social “proof,” and overall online presence–but it is not the only factor that Google considers when drafting its ranking techniques. Just like with content, Google examines the “quality” of followers you have. So while some companies may purchase thousands of robotic followers regarding SEO services Ballarat, you would be better off working and nurturing your way to an active organic audience that interacts with your brand.


Creating External Interaction Through Links


One of the best ways to boost your SEO and establish yourself as a content genius in the eyes of Google is to have your content shared through external links. Social media is a phenomenal way to get your content recognized by members of your industry through the effective use of sharing, retweeting, posting, comments, and hashtags. These tools allow you to reach a good portion of your target audience and anyone who follows them. Utilizing hashtags to categorize your content gives you a likelier chance to be seen by these sources and, thus, a likelier opportunity for them to share your content on their websites—and just like that, you have built an external link without having to solicit anyone!


Social Media Platforms Are Smaller Versions of Search Engines


If you are solely focused on the results that appear on Google, you may need to rethink your strategy. These days, when consumers are interested in a brand or service, they head to social media platforms and perform a search that will lead them to more related content. For example, if a discussion about your industry is happening on Twitter, chiming in to interact will not only boost your voice as a knowledgeable source but will also have you appear on Twitter’s search results should someone look for that topic or hashtag.

Likewise, on a more visual platform like Instagram, businesses such as restaurants, boutiques, and design companies utilize location tags and hashtags to build the buzz around their brand. Instagram’s search tool ends up being used as a more marginalized version of Google Images, not only showcasing photos from websites but from other users themselves who have used these products or services.


Moral of the story: Google is not the only search engine you need to be optimizing!


While it is never wrong to focus on creating fresh and compelling content for your website to boost your SEO, you should never leave social media platforms on the back burner. Instead, aim to combine both of these tools for ultimate optimization. You will end up having more leads appear on both ends, boosting rapport among your industry and climbing up in rankings before you know it!


Google has recently dropped a minor bombshell – they will now favor websites that use HTTPS encryption by boosting their search rankings to encourage all webmasters to follow suit. The move has been made with the hopes of pushing out attackers, scammers, and likes, overall, making the Internet safer and more secure for webmasters and users alike.

In essence, if a website has HTTPS in front of its URL, for example, https://www., it means it has used an SSL – Secure Socket Layer – which relies on certificates to ensure the web browser is encrypted, making it less accessible to hackers and any other security breaches. In simpler terms, it is a safe and secure way of coding a website. It is recommended that any website requiring webmasters and/or users to input passwords, banking details, and other personal details should use HTTPS anyway.

By favoring the websites which do use HTTPS-encrypted websites, Google is encouraging all other webmasters to make the shift. While they are not giving these websites a significant boost currently, they may do so in the future. In a bid to “keep everyone safe on the web,” Google hopes everyone will eventually use HTTPS and is giving webmasters the time to change over and has provided people with tips on how to do this. The tips are simple enough, and it seems the transition would indeed be smooth.

The tips are as follows:

  • Decide the kind of certificate you need: single, multi-domain, or wildcard certificate
  • Use 2048-bit key certificates
  • Use relative URLs for resources that reside on the same secure domain
  • Use protocol-relative URLs for all other domains
  • Check out our Site Move article for more guidelines on how to change your website’s address
  • Don’t block your HTTPS site from crawling using robots.txt
  • Allow indexing of your pages by search engines where possible. Avoid the no index robots meta tag.

Of course, to ensure your website does not suffer and lose any traffic, it is probably best to follow Google’s steps and watch them closely. They have also said they will publish more information in the next few weeks to ensure webmasters have a smooth transition. Obviously, it is in every company’s best interest to rank highly in Google, so we will be interested to see how these changes progress over the next few months. We know we will be watching closely; what about you?

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